The Ugmonk Analog

As you may have gathered, I'm a stationary fan. I love my pens, I love my paper, and I always look for oportunities to use them. It's a simple thing, but one way I do this is by writting out the list of tasks I want to do the next day on an index card in my daily wrap-up. It not only gives me an excuse to use the pens, it also helps me stay focused and be more productive.

When I saw the Ugmonk Analog go live on Kickstarter last August I was immediately excited and backed it. But after a couple of days I cancelled my pledge, it felt a bit ridiculous. Why pay $70 for a pretty cardholder.

Time passed and people started to receive their orders. I saw the reviews, my mind changed, so I ordered one.

I LOVE it!

It's a small thing, but the card holder looks beautiful on my desk — it's earned a place to stay.